
Get a paper size (Unicode).
int pdfGetPaperSizeW(wchar_t *printerName, int paperIdx, int *width, int *height)
This function retrieves the size of the paperIdxth available paper, on the specified printer.

paperIdx must be between 0 and n-1, where n is the value returned by pdfGetNumPapersW.

The paper size will be returned in *width and *height, both in tenths of millimeters.

Returns 1 on success, or 0 on failure.

Note: pdfGetNumPapersW, pdfGetPaperNameW, pdfGetPaperIDW, and pdfGetPaperSizeW are just simple wrappers around Windows functions. There is no requirement to use these functions if you already know the paper ID that you want to use (e.g., from calling DeviceCapabilities with the DC_PAPERS argument).

wchar_t paperName[256]; int nPapers, paperID, w, h, i; nPapers = pdfGetNumPapersW(printerName); for (i = 0; i < nPapers; ++i) { pdfGetPaperNameW(printerName, i, paperName, sizeof(paperName) / sizeof(wchar_t)); paperID = pdfGetPaperIDW(printerName, i); pdfGetPaperSizeW(printerName, i, &w, &h); printf("paper %d: id=%d name=%ls size=%.1fx%.1fmm\n", i, paperID, paperName, 0.1 * w, 0.1 * h); }