
Write a page to an image file.
writePageBitmap([in] int page, [in] double dpi, [in] int color, [in] int format, [in] BSTR fileName)
This function converts a PDF page to an image file on disk.

The arguments are:

Note that the color settings and image file formats are read-only properties on the COM component, so you'll need to use pdf.imageMono, pdf.imageFileBMP, etc.

The imageDevNToCMYK mode produces CMYK output like imageCMYK, but does the rasterization in DeviceN (CMYK + spot colors) so overprint previews will be more accurate.

The imageDevNToRGB mode is similar to imageDevNToCMYK, but converts to RGB output.

The imageGrayToMono mode does the rasterization in 8-bit grayscale and converts to 1-bit monochrome at the end. This is useful for files that use transparency – because 1-bit monochrome mode doesn't support transparency.

CMYK output is only available in TIFF format.

' convert page 5 to a 72 dpi color TIFF file pdf.writePageBitmap 5, 72, pdf.imageRGB, pdf.imageFileTIFF, "test1.tiff"