
Add an overlay text item.
void pdfAddOverlayText(PDFHandle pdf, char *text, char *gdiFontName, int gdiBold, int gdiItalic, char *psFontName, COLORREF color, int size, double x, double y, int angle, int flags)
This function adds a text overlay item. There can be multiple overlays, and they will all be printed on each page.

The arguments are:

When printing to a non-PostScript printer, the gdiFontName, gdiBold, and gdiItalic arguments will be used. When printing to a PostScript printer, the psFontName argument will be used. Some common fonts are:
gdiFontName gdiBold gdiItalic psFontName
"Times New Roman" 0 0 "Times-Roman"
"Times New Roman" 0 1 "Times-Italic"
"Times New Roman" 1 0 "Times-Bold"
"Times New Roman" 1 1 "Times-BoldItalic"
"Arial" 0 0 "Helvetica"
"Arial" 0 1 "Helvetica-Oblique"
"Arial" 1 0 "Helvetica-Bold"
"Arial" 1 1 "Helvetica-BoldOblique"
"Courier New" 0 0 "Courier"
"Courier New" 0 1 "Courier-Oblique"
"Courier New" 1 0 "Courier-Bold"
"Courier New" 1 1 "Courier-BoldOblique"

You can add any number of text overlays: just call the pdfAddOverlayText function multiple times (before calling pdfPrint4).

To clear all of the current overlays (e.g., before printing a different set of pages from the document), use the pdfClearOverlayText function.

pdfAddOverlayText(pdf, "CONFIDENTIAL", "Arial", 1, 0, "Helvetica-Bold", RGB(0, 0, 0), 10, 200, 50, 0, 0);