
Scan the images on a page.
getImages([in] int page)
This function scans the images on a specified page.

After calling getImages, you can call numImages and getImageInfo to retrieve information about each image on the page.

getImages must be called before calling any of the other image-related functions/properties (numImages, getImageInfo, getPicture, etc.). Those functions will work with the images from the page specified in the getImages call, until getImages is called again on a different page.

' scan images on page 1 pdf.getImages(1) nImgs = pdf.numImages For i = 0 To nImgs-1 pdf.getImageInfo(i, ......) Next i ' scan images on page 2 pdf.getImages(2) nImgs = pdf.numImages For i = 0 To nImgs-1 pdf.getImageInfo(i, ......) Next i