
Get the CMYK value of a custom color.
getCustomColorCMYK([in] int idx, [out, retval] DWORD *cmyk)
This function returns the CMYK value for the idx'th custom color. The returned value is a 32-bit integer in CCMMYYKK format.

Use getNumCustomColors to get the number of custom colors found by the last call to analyzePages.

The getNumCustomColorObjects function will return the number of objects drawn in a specified custom color.

' analyze page 1 pdf.analyzePages(1, 1) nColors = pdf.getNumCustomColors() For i = 0 To nColors - 1 name = pdf.getCustomColorName(i) cmyk = pdf.getCustomColorCMYK(i) nObjects = pdf.getNumCustomColorObjects(i) MsgBox(count & " nObjects drawn in the " & name & " custom color = CMYK " & Hex(cmyk)) Next i